Body Care Massage Center

Massage therapist treating a client.


 For over 18 years we have been adding to people's lives, through healing, relaxation, and stress reduction. Whether your visit is for medical or personal reasons, our fully licensed, professional staff and relaxed atmosphere will refresh your mind and recondition your body. A Licensed Massage Therapist or Licensed Acupuncturist is waiting to serve your needs. 

 We have been located in Towson Maryland for the past 10 years. Its a nice quiet out of the way location that is still convenient to get to (less than a mile from I-695 at Charles St.). Our building has free parking and easy access for the elderly and handicapped. image

 Body Care's office is very inviting and doesn't carry the sterile feel of a medical office. An inviting and warm environment is a major impact on your relaxation. 

 Our massage therapists are recognized with such organizations as The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques(NAET), and The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).